The House was in session on May 4th for several hours. We are now in the transition period, so most bills that pass are on their way to the governor. So if you like something to become law, it is time to write Governor Sununu.
SCR 1 NH’s First in the Nation Primary.
The Senate passed it unanimously and did a great job encapsulating the facts. NH’s first primary was in 1918, and it was FITN. The legislature passed a law in 1920 that gave the Secretary of State power to move the primary up to 6 days to 2 weeks earlier than any other state. We have been FITN for over a century! Why would we let anyone take that away from us? The DNC has done everything that it can to take this away. But before you go after them, the RNC also tried the same play years ago. Back then, a bipartisan stand kept us first, and it will be a bipartisan stand now to keep us first! The resolution easily passed the House by 356-6.
SB 77- Student protections
SB 77 improved the rules on manifest educational hardship to allow for student reassignment to another district if problems like bullying get severely out of hand. It was passed on a partisan vote, and no Democrats voted yes!
SB 14 – Game Cameras
SB 14 passed by voice vote and allows game cameras for hunting. It also requires written permission with a yearly removal and renewal. Most constituents did not mind using game cameras but insisted that the property owner knows the owner and location.
SB 69 and 79 – Solar Energy Bills
SB 69 and 79 raise the net metering limit from 1 megawatt to 5 megawatts. SB 69 was tabled and only included nonprofit organizations. SB 79 passed and allowed this increase to private companies! Cyril and I are not in favor of this increase! A 5-megawatt facility is the size of cutting and clearing the trees for 5 football fields. This bill helps to create winners and losers since there is no risk in providing solar power. All the risk is with conventional that need to provide power during peak usage and buy the lower value solar during low usage periods. None of the NH energy agencies are in favor of this bill. This law was already in place and rarely got used.
Your Representatives Cyril Aures and Clayton Wood