Title of the document We Thank the Good People of Pittsfield and Chichester for Your Votes and the Priviledge to Serve You in the NH State House!
  • Newsletter February 14, 2024
    The past 2 Sessions on February 1 & 8 were very busy with over 40 bills reaching the floor in addition to a substantial number of bills voted on from the Consent calendar. In addition, many bills had amendment(s) which also had to be addressed. February 1st bills of significance: HB396 was moved to reconsider […]
  • Newsletter February 14, 2024
    On February 2, Cyril and I got to do what we like the most – help host The Pittsfield 4th Grade visit to the State House. The students arrived at 9:15 in the front courtyard area, where we introduced ourselves to about thirty students while we waited for Virginia Drew, who runs the Visitor’s Center. At that point, […]
  • Newsletter January 17, 2024
    This year’s session started with two 8-hour days, Jan 3 and 4, each day addressing retained bills from 2023 resubmitted by the committees. These bills received an amendment or two to address the problems that led to the bills being withdrawn. The first part of the process was 146 bills, all decided by a single consent […]
  • Newsletter November 8, 2023
    On October 26, Cyril and I were in session for the last time in 2023 to address the 4 House Bills that Governor Sununu vetoed. To override the veto, a 2/3 majority is needed, so 233 of 350 members had to vote yes. At the same time, the Senate was meeting to address 5 Senate […]
  • Newsletter June 19, 2023
    Talk about bipartisanship! The last two sessions have been very bipartisan. June 15 session dealt with requests from the Senate to either approve, end or change House or Senate Bills. All bills required the House, the Senate, and the governor’s approvals. In the morning, 17 Bills passed with a voice vote. The House only returned […]

Our Policies

Our Endorsements

We are proud to have been endorsed by Cornerstone, RebuildNH, New Hampshire Right to Life, New Hampshire Firearms Coalition, and Young Americans for Liberty with “A” ratings and signed the Taxpayer Protection Pledge not to support income or sales tax.

About Cyril

Our neighbors, my neighbors, are having to choose between heating our homes or buying groceries…..110% rise in electricity alone and nearly the same with fuel oil. The democrats are ruining our communities and our country. Every citizen should be able to keep as much of their hard-earned money as possible, not taxed from them for useless programs pushed by the bureaucracy. We need to honor our elderly citizens so that they are not burdened by taxes forcing them to choose between paying taxes, medical needs, or purchasing groceries. I was asked to run as NH State Representative to augment the NH State Legislature’s common sense voting accomplishments. That being a worthy cause, I said, “Yes.” I will serve Pittsfield & Chichester to the best of my ability.

As a family man married to Rosemary for 45 years, having 4 children and 4 grandchildren, I know what responsibility is. Rosemary and I having 24 exchange students from various countries in Europe, Africa, Asia, and South America, have taught me there can be more than a single correct solution to problems. New Hampshire’s citizens are creative. We will figure it out. Work hard, and stay the course; it’s the NH Way.

Being in the military, working with the Department of Defense, an executive for Johnson & Johnson, an accounting teacher for a community college, a high school teacher, and a senior analyst working for BAE Systems in Edinburgh Scotland, London England, USA, has given me valuable experience in dealing with government, civic and corporate issues. I will bring this wisdom and experience to the NH Legislature. Thank you for electing me as one of your NH State Representatives.

About Clayton

For the past two years, I attended public hearings, state house rallies, and legislative sessions and followed the voting records of the State Representatives. The Conservative Republican leadership took on many problems that faced our state with solid results. Fiscal responsibility was prioritized, and New Hampshire’s economy became one of the strongest in the nation. Work to support constitutional liberties during Covid, promoting school choice, advocating for the right to work, and supporting parents’ rights also caught my attention. To help, I decided to run for local state representation and now get to serve, thanks to your vote.

My priorities as an elected NH State Representative are:

  • Economy – Never support an income tax or sales tax. Follow the lead of the Republicans this past session to lower taxes and aid small businesses. The key is a responsible and balanced budget.
  • Energy – Going to be a brutal winter with the Biden policies, so this will be a priority to any new legislature.
  • Education – Support free choice and work for flexibility in public schools so that each town can tailor to their educational needs.
  • Parental Rights – Parents control their children’s education, health, and welfare.
  • Health Freedom – Eliminating restraints on medical care and anti-mandates will be a priority.
  • Liberty – Prevent government overreach and not suspend Constitutional rights in an emergency.