Newsletter May 19, 2023 Part 1

The House was in session on May 18th for eight hours! It was a long, nonproductive day, in our opinion, with the Democrats in control. Our newsletter will focus on two bills: SB 272 Parental Rights and SB 263 New Hampshire Granite Health Care Extension.

Parental Rights is the reason I ran for the State House. I spent over four months with our school board working on one of their policies – JBAB Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students. I shared my amazement that a school policy would actually state that the parents are not to be informed, target a minority group and limit the constitutional rights of free speech for students. At the House Session, the Democrats and a small group of Republicans managed to gut SB 272 with several amendments before permanently closing the discussion by indefinitely postponing (195-190) the bill so we cannot discuss it on the floor until the new legislator is elected in 2024!

SB 263 New Hampshire Granite Health Care Extension met with many amendments. I believe 32 in all. in 2019 the Granite Advantage Health Care Program replaced NH Health Protection Program. This program receives 90 % of its money from the Federal government and accounts for 1/3 of our state’s budget! This program is one of the monsters the government creates by doing what it thinks is right. It was not surprising to me that it has so many supporters! All are getting money from the program. When this was put into effect, it was done with many concerns including a sunset phase to force its ends. Now the Democrats want it permanent and didn’t allow discussion on improvements. This bill was passed and now moves on to Finance. Hopefully, they understand that this monster needs chains!

Cyril and I know that many parents are upset that SB 272 did not pass. Please feel free to contact us at

Your Representatives Cyril Aures and Clayton Wood